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Posted by naturum at


Kitchen Ingredients To Treat Nose Skin

Blackheads, whiteheads and open big pores are common problems which are normally seen on the nose. These problems lead to skin infections and bacteria build up. With the help of home remedies, getting rid of these three nose problems are easy. Lemon juice, tomato juice and sensitive body scrubs are helpful for the skin and should be used at least once in a week.

Massage these natural ingredients on the nose, for 15 minutes and rinse with rose water or warm water. Before using any of the kitchen ingredients mentioned on the list, it is suggested to do a patch test first. The test will show whether the ingredients suits the skin or not. Before using these kitchen ingredients on the nose, it is necessary to rinse the face first with cold water, as it helps to open the pores. Here are some of the best home remedies to pamper the nose with and get rid of the skin problems. Take a look :

Kitchen Ingredients To Treat Nose Skin

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Tomato - Make a thick pulp out of one tomato. Extract the juice from the pulp and keep aside. The pulp is then massaged on the nose for 15 minutes, in an upward manner. Rinse the pulp from the nose with the tomato juice. When done, pat dry. Repeat this nose care treatment after 2 days to get rid of dry skin on the nose.

Potato - Potato juice is massaged on the nose to lighten the tan. This Fresh juice should be used on the nose three times in a day for 2 days to speed up the results.

Lemon & Honey -To one tablespoon of honey add one tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix both the ingredients to one. Apply the mixture on the nose and let the pack stay on the face for 10 minutes before rinsing the mixture from the nose.

Salt & Sugar - Add one tablespoon of sugar to one tablespoon of salt. Now mix the ingredients to one and gently massage the home remedy directorship on the nose to get rid of blackheads.

Charcoal - Did you know that charcoal is the best solution to get rid of all types of skin problems. One tablespoon of Charcoal powder is mixed to one teaspoon of rose water. This combination is then applied on the nose like a face pack. After 15 minutes peel the coal pack from the face and rinse well with water water.

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Posted by rebeccarry at 17:50Comments(0)Beauty