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Nail-Salon Legislation

Last month, a New York Times investigation revealed the illegal and abusive work conditions faced by many manicurists in New York City. We were glad to see New York governor Andrew Cuomo take swift action by conducting emergency investigations into nail salons. And now, the state has implemented new legislation aimed at protecting the rights and safety of those workers.



The legislation, which was signed into law today, will make operating an unlicensed salon a misdemeanor punishable by jail time and will authorize the state to shut down any business that violates the new regulations. It will also make it much easier for nail-salon workers to work toward getting a license at a reasonable cost. It will create a complete set of training requirements and lower the language and cost barriers that manicurists previously encountered. The bill was passed by the New York State Senate on June 19.

Under this law, an unlicensed worker will be able to register as a trainee at a nail salon and work legally as an apprentice to a licensed worker, a boon to the many people trying to find work in the industry who have been so vulnerable to exploitation. And the law sets a $20 limit on fees to register or renew a license. It addresses health concerns, too: The training will include curriculum on proper sanitation and infection control, and salons are now required to provide gloves and face masks. What's more, the salons can no longer prohibit employees from taking these safety precautions.

"My parents were immigrants to this country and small-business owners. I know firsthand how vital it is to protect vulnerable workers from unsafe working conditions,” said Assemblywoman Aravella Simotas. “This legislation puts employers on notice that exploitive labor practices will not be tolerated in New York State.”


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Nail-Salon Legislation